
Elevated with Jenna-Leigh

Scheduled on

Friday 11:00 12:00
Sunday 19:00 20:00

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Be elevated to go to the next level in your walk with Christ.

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Elevated is a unique Radio Pulpit show that uplifts and empowers, and celebrates victories in Christ.

It will uplift your spirit and empower you through the Word of God. The highlight of the show is the powerful testimonies shared by guests.

Every week someone joins our host, the talented Jenna-Leigh, to share their testimony and help others overcome struggles. At the heart of the show is Revelation 12:11.

They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.

On Elevated, we’ve had people testify how God healed them from cancer. Many shares that they found wholeness in Christ after tremendous heartache and pain. We’ve even had people testify about a supernatural encounter with God along their journey. Actors, musicians, pastors, mothers, drug addicts, prisoners, internationally acclaimed speakers, ex-gangsters and many more testify how God elevated them. The testimonies and locations of the guests might differ, but the source of their breakthroughs is the same. God.

During the Elevation Message of the Day, Jenna-Leigh reflects on a thought based on the Word of God. The aim of the message is always to uplift you and give you courage for the next step to elevation. Combine all of this with some inspirational music designed to encourage you, and you’ve got the recipe for Elevated.

The programme’s vision is that every listener will be elevated to go to the next level in their walk with Christ. To have their faith strengthened and to receive hope. If you’ve missed a show, head on over to our podcast section to catch up or find it on iono.fm.

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Podcast of previous episodes

Elevated with Jenna-Leigh crew

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